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How To convert array in string like to concate string with first array word like array[0].'->'.array[1] – PHP

$arr = ['Governance->Policies->Prescriptions->CAS Alerts', 'Users->User Departments->Department Hierarchy', 'Settings->Registrar->Finance', 'Logs->Second Opinion Log']; This is array and I want to convert it into string like below The string should be one it just concate in one string. Governance->Policies Governance->Prescriptions Governance->CAS Alerts Users->User…


Javascript concatenate select and input values in a text box – Jquery

I'd like to concatenate several values from selects and input fields on a final input field that contain all the values. What I have until now is this: $('#chosen_a').change(function() { $('#ddlNames').val($('#chosen_a option:selected').data('id')); console.log($('#chosen_a option:selected').data('id')); }) <script src=""></script> <select name="criteria_title" id="chosen_a"…


PHP string concat with slashes and variables – PHP Versions

I am trying to exec an rclone command via a PHP script. The plain text version of the call looks like this: rclone copy /media/storage/Events/01//999/001 events:testing-events-lowres/Events/01/999/001 --size-only --exclude /HiRes/* --include /Thumbs/* --include /Preview/* -P --checkers 64 --transfers 8 --config /home/admin/.config/rclone/rclone.conf…

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