Php – Operators for set and not empty
Often I'm using ?? to check variables, but that will pass the left variable even if empty. I want to express (!empty($b)) ? $b : $c Close is: $b ?: $c Except that will throw a warning if $b is…
Often I'm using ?? to check variables, but that will pass the left variable even if empty. I want to express (!empty($b)) ? $b : $c Close is: $b ?: $c Except that will throw a warning if $b is…
I know that an expression produces a value while a statement is an action. However, I don't understand why the ternary operator falls under the category of an expression. From what I understand, the ternary operator is simply a shorthand…
I am having a ternary operator inside my React prop: const isItemOne = item.type === 'Item one'; return ( <ChildComponent myProp={ isItemOne ? generateFunctionOne(, location) : generateFunctionTwo(itemTwo.url) } /> Does it make sense, in this case to replace the ternary…
In React, I often want to render something only when a condition is true. I used to do this, and it worked well: return {condition?value:null} Actual return expression is much more complicated, so a simple if statement would not do.…
I have been encountering with this conditional operator, phone={this.props.projectDetails?.agency?.phone ?? } I wanted to use Phone number that is given in agency?.phone but at some point we didn’t had phone number in agency so we were using projectDetail's phone…
Im trying to understand what the sentence $request->user()?->id ?: $request->ip() does in this function protected function configureRateLimiting() { RateLimiter::for('api', function (Request $request) { return Limit::perMinute(60)->by($request->user()?->id ?: $request->ip()); }); } According to my understanding it will limit the rate attempts to…
I am trying to get an image to display if it exists, else display a default "Image not Available" image. As you can see I'm calling the imageExists function to see if an Image url returns true or false depending…