In Flutter, How do you add a background color to a container while also adding borders
When you try to add a background color, you get an error message that says you can't have a color and a box decoration. Anyone know how to fix this?
When you try to add a background color, you get an error message that says you can't have a color and a box decoration. Anyone know how to fix this?
How can I create an inner shadow effect with the same colors as the border for a button that is created using containers? The button has two colors for the border, as shown in the following image. I came across…
A straightforward question, yet one that currently eludes me an answer. I'm attempting to make a request to my API from a basic console application, and the request takes more than 30 seconds to complete. Interestingly, when I execute the…
It might be my own mistake or carelessness during following a Video tutorial in purpose of learning in youtube where when in the part on the home page content, I want the content of a picture and text to be…
I'm working on one page of a website that only includes two vertically aligned containers in the center of it. Currently, the post element's content and its scrollbars are overlapping with the bordered text that goes around the background images…
az storage blob upload-batch -d "$web" -s When I run this command I encounter an error " argument --source/-s: expected one argument " What would I add here? For the source how can I get the path-to-directory ? I have…
As part of my pipeline, I am creating a new Azure Registry Container and then building and pushing a container to it. Normally to push to a registry I can just run this task. - task: Docker@2 displayName: Build and…
I'm currently facing a issue with Celery 5.3.4 that ask me to install backports module. the application is running in container (3.10.13-bullseye) with python version 3.10.13 on the debian 11 host. When I run the command celery -A app beat…
I am following the guide from Microsoft for deploying a container with sidecar for HTTPS access here. However, I am trying to use one of my images, which I already pushed to ACR. I followed all the steps until az… On desktop browsers I can use it up to 125%, after that the content disappears. In phone nothing is visible directly I tried deleting the container and leaving the content directly, but even then the background gets bigger and…