Laravel SQL statement is returning null
i am new to Laravel and i am working on a blog/post project with likes and comments. Now i would like to display/count all likes from all post that was made by a user. So for example: user 1 made…
i am new to Laravel and i am working on a blog/post project with likes and comments. Now i would like to display/count all likes from all post that was made by a user. So for example: user 1 made…
I have these tables: CREATE TABLE poster ( poster_id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, country VARCHAR ( 50 ) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE batch ( batch_id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, price VARCHAR ( 50 ) NOT NULL );…
I need to know if the following can be resolved with a SQL query and how. I have done it with PHP in different ways but the memory skyrockets and the server takes a long time to return the results.…
I'd like to get the count of elements in an json array using jq (without the elements with "name": "current" in the snapshots array). { "name": "test1", "snapshots": [ { "description": "You are here!", "name": "current", "digest": "ccc", "running": 1…
I'm trying to implement an "auto-fail" kind of column in a table that includes scores for evaluations like below: Employee Category Score John Foo 5 John Bar 4 Randy Foo 3 Randy Bar 0 Daniel Foo 2 Daniel Bar 1…
I want to identify and count uris that contain the following values ukpga ukla asp asc anaw mwa ukcm nia aosp aep aip apgb nisi mnia apni I have a column in the table that has a list of uris.…
I'm currently developing a SOAP service with several operations. Requests and responses are saved in a table called "message". Each Request and each Response is its own entry in the table and each Request/Response pair has a corresponding correlation_id. I…
I am trying to understand how to count and display current and total number of figures on my page. My html <div class="is-vertical"> <figure><img src="src.jpg"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Towers Day<br>NYC</figcaption></figure> <figure><img src="src.jpg"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Towers Day<br>NYC</figcaption></figure> <figure><img src="src.jpg"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Towers Day<br>NYC</figcaption></figure> </div> My js attempt of…
How do I sum the count of populated fields. An example of the data. The desired output would be. This is what I have managed so far. select m.project_ref, ( select count(*) from (values (m.[EWI/IWI]), (m.Glazing), (m.Solar), (m.CWI), (m.Boiler), (m.TRV),…
I tried this $data = "air;air;air;bus;air;air;bus;air;air"; $a = substr_count($data,"air"); $b = substr_count($data,"bus"); $data = implode($a . ' x ', array_unique(explode('air;', $data))); echo $data; And I get 7 x bus;7 x air What I actually want to get is 7 x…