Run a Cron Job In Cpanel with CURL
I have a code in laravel, I want to setup a cron job in cpanel But I don't know how to. I saw several examples that has file name to cron, but I am using Laravel so how can I…
I have a code in laravel, I want to setup a cron job in cpanel But I don't know how to. I saw several examples that has file name to cron, but I am using Laravel so how can I…
Well, I am new to Hosting, I read a lot about cron jobs, to add a cron job in cpanel you have to specify the time at what time to execute, we need to specify the file path, but the…
I am having an issue implementating a Cron Job for my Laravel application on a Apache/CPanel shared server. I have a task command that works fine whenever i run it from the command line and also works fine when called…
My website's videos won't play on ios devices. They'll play on desktop and in the mobile viewer but not on actual iphone no matter the browser. It doesn't matter what video or format, I've tried several formats and videos, if…
I want to redirect to what can i do? I tried this but its not working for cPanel it just working for : RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/[0-9]+..+.cpaneldcv$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/pki-validation/[A-F0-9]{32}.txt(?: Comodo DCV)?$ RewriteRule…
Is it possible to directly push changes to a cpanel repository from GitHub desktop software. Or first the repository changes will be pushed to the online repository on and then from there the cpanel will fetch the changes by…
I am trying to use PHPMailer to send email, and I'm writing the PHP in cPanel through Bluehost. Below is my code so far. The file is in the PHPMailermaster folder, along with the src folder. The code fails upon…
I am building a dashboard to control couple different websites (each is in a cPanel separate account (including the Dashboard), but all hosted on the same server). The dashboard will use php's shell_exec for example to execute shell commands inside…
I have a big problem and hope you guys can help me. Recently, I went on WordPress, go to general setting and change my WordPress address and site address URL from http to https. I did not have any SSL.…
I am trying to run a script via cron job in cpanel. Maybe I entered a wrong path that's why I received a mail: could not open input file. Here is my code class Cron extends CI_Controller { public function…