How can I deploy Next js app on cpanel hosting
I am trying to deploy next js app on cPanel. I have installed node and npm on it. How can I deploy the next js app on this set up? I am getting the following error while trying to build…
I am trying to deploy next js app on cPanel. I have installed node and npm on it. How can I deploy the next js app on this set up? I am getting the following error while trying to build…
How to upload larval project on cpanel using only.Htaccess file. I saw already more of the example, but not worked properly. This is throwing the error is This page isn’t working. I put my project inside Inside this we…
I have devised this script to redirect to the specific page based on the radio selection but it keeps going to the old link that was setup. Are there any recommendations you can suggest to get this working? <div class="col-12"…
I have a node.js application that sends email using nodemailer. It is working fine from localhost but when I try it from server I can't receive any mail. Since, other activities of application are working fine means I assumed nodemailer…
I am setting a new live server for my Laravel application its work perfectly on localhost but not on live server. Now its showing SQL State [2002] connection refused. I also try with mysqli_connect and PDO but the error remains…
The flowing code successfully connects mongoose with the mlab database on localhost and Heroku. But it's not working on Namecheap node js Server. const express = require("express"); const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 3000; const server…
I'm using bootstrap to make a website and I noticed my php index overrides my html index. Is the php code supposed to refer part of the html code to display? For example, I have a nice little text message…
I have an image upload form in my Laravel project. I want to save the uploaded image into public/images/ location. But image upload into public/app/images location. From where this app is coming!! config/filesystem.php 'disks' => [ 'local' => [ 'driver'…
I have a shared host, I only have access via Cpanel. But I have a small problem, as uploaded images do not appear. Does anyone know how to solve? Code where I save the image $request->picture->storeAs('public/upload/authors', $filename); Code to see…
My structure is like this: /laravelfiles /public_html --/demo ----/index.php (and other files inside public folder) I have changed the index.php to access /laravelfiles, everything works fine. My config filesystem: 'local' => [ 'driver' => 'local', 'root' => public_path(), ], 'public'…