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While doing multi-objective optimization in c-plex , for different weightages same value of decision variable is getting. Why it is like this? – PHP

minimize sum(j in tavail) 0.2*(ptn[j]*1000000-pln[j]1000000+sum(k in nport)pevch[j][k]- sum(k in nport)(DOD1[k][j]-dod[k][j])cap[k][j]1000) +0.8(sum(j in tavail)(-sum(k in nport)(-32768DOD1[k][j]+49546)(DOD1[k][j]-dod[k][j])*cap[k][j]*1000); This is the mentioned objective function. Here the weight taken is 0.2 and 0.8. With change in weightage values only objective function value is changing.…

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