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Amazon web services – An aws lambda is scheduled to run every minute, but it's occassionally being invoked in a few seconds

Here's the configuration on my serverless.yml for the lambda: sendXXX: handler: functions/sendXXX/index.handler timeout: 55 provisionedConcurrency: 1 events: - schedule: rate(1 minute) Here's the relevant Cloudwatch log: 2024-06-25T11:50:32.134Z START RequestId: c2cfe6d6-10d3-4520-8ef1-c82730103331 Version: 170 2024-06-25T11:50:35.698Z START RequestId: 3e331a19-31d9-4342-af21-fe0e7e023c6e Version: 170 2024-06-25T11:50:37.443Z END…


Cron job and docker

I have a web crawler. It must run periodically. I want to use Docker to host both script cronjob and database. I am able to write the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml below. I get the error below on command run `docker-compose…

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