Reactjs – Edit item in react with graphql
I want to create a crud app with react and grapgql(my problem is for update section). I have a list of todos and when I click on edit button it is gone to edit page. problem: I want to see…
I want to create a crud app with react and grapgql(my problem is for update section). I have a list of todos and when I click on edit button it is gone to edit page. problem: I want to see…
I'm using view composer in Laravel as follows: namespace AppProviders; use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider; use IlluminateSupportFacadesView; use AppModelsGreen; use AppModelsBlue; class SidebarServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot(): void { View::composer('layouts.sidebar', function ($view) { $dataGreen = Green::all(); $dataBlue = Blue::all(); $view->with([ 'green'…
I am new learner in flutter. Currently, I try work on Firebase Firestore CRUD operation, but I encounter problem of by tapping the update icon (refer to image 1), it should be navigate the home page screen to the adding…
I am trying to delete a particular data with corresponding id but it redirects me to the Show page although the route is directing it to destroy. My index.blade <td><form class="action"><button type="submit" formaction="{{route('',$product->id)}}">Show</button></form></td> <td><form class="action"><button type="submit" formaction="{{route('products.edit',$product->id)}}">Edit</button></form></td> <td><form class="delete" action="{{…
Here is how i've set the following files: index.js const express = require('express') const app = express() const port = 8000 const expense_model = require('./expense_model') app.use(express.json()); app.use(function (req, res, next) { res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8000'); res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS'); res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers'); next(); });…
Undefined property: IlluminateDatabaseQueryBuilder::$title public function show(string $id) { $books = DB::table("book_tbls") ->where("", "=", $id) ->where("", "=", "book_tbls . author_id") ->where("", "=", $id) ->where("", "=", "book_tbls . category_id"); // $books = book_tbl::find($id); return view('', compact('books')); } I am learning laravel for…
I have one simple question. In my ToDo list app, creating by React, i have many requests to the server (at list 4 requests with a different methods - GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE), where i should write they ? If…
I'm havin a list of tasks and I wonder how do I route on the specific task clicked. Do I need to send a special Id param to the onclick handler ? So that every task has it's own Id…
I only need id data from a table for an insert data for another table. But I don't know how? So I created search data request $iduser = User::where('username','like','%' . request('username') . '%')->get(); I can't use $iduser->id or some similar…
I wan to get data for two variables in same method but its not happening function display(){ $datas=Req::all(); $products = Product::all(); return view ('products.dispaly')->with('products', $products,'datas',$datas); } here i want to get data from table and assign them to two separate…