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Html – I want a signature animation on my svg i have tried but only half of its is showing?

<svg xmlns="" width="282" height="122" viewBox="0 0 282 122" fill="none"> <!-- Signature Path --> <path id="signature" d="M59.1294 91.0229C59.2018 87.6683 57.6122 84.619 56.5486 81.5202C54.828 76.5073 53.9153 71.3684 52.7901 66.1947C48.7362 47.5558 44.4087 28.9291 39.3774 10.5267C37.5692 3.91298 36.1171 8.64639 34.837 12.4986C32.4899 19.5623 30.9263 27.1572…


CSS animation with the oblique

I'm trying to make a simple text animation with CSS. The text should slowly change value of font-style attribute. I have tried something like this: h1 { animation-duration: 3s; animation-name: slidein; } @keyframes slidein { from { font-style: oblique 30deg;…

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