Html – Numbering system using counter in css
I want to create a counter or numbering system in HTML and CSS, but the sub-counter isn't working properly. This is what i have done so far, im gonna make a new counter in body and then a sub-counter in…
I want to create a counter or numbering system in HTML and CSS, but the sub-counter isn't working properly. This is what i have done so far, im gonna make a new counter in body and then a sub-counter in…
I want to know how I can combine the counter css function with the calc function for me to supperpose a list of icons. <style> .list-counter{ counter-reset: list; } .list-counter div:not(:first-child){ counter-increment: list; transform: translateX(calc(counter(list) * -1rem)); } </style> and…
I am styling an HTML nested ordered list (numbered). I am trying to achieve same layout as MS Word has usually when you press Tab before the numbered list item. Ex: 1. Item at top Item at middle 2.…
I tried to increment a counter for a list with CSS. However, even though I can see the list numbers, those don't increment. I used :before and the CSS property counter. Here's the code: .services__details--content__step>ul>li:before { content: counter(counter); counter-increment: counter;…