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Html – Having an issue to display background image with linear-gradient with css modules in Next 14

This css doesn't display background image .header { height: 85vh; background-image: linear-gradient( to right bottom, rgba(var(--color-primary-light), 0.8), rgba(var(--color-primary-dark), 0.8) ), url('/img/hero-small.jpg'); background-size: cover; background-position: top; position: relative; } The following code works without linear-gradient: .header { height: 85vh; background-image: url('/img/hero-small.jpg');…


“Can’t import styles from module.scss in Reactjs?”

I'm only starting learning React and faced an issue while importing styles from './TodoOutput.module.scss': Error from TodoOutput.tsx: Cannot find module ./TodoOutput.module.scss or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307) even though file TodoOutput.module.scss exists, and both scss and sass packages added into both…

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