CSS – differing nth-of-type
I am sure this is possible but I'm not sure how to achieve it through CSS. I want to target the 3rd instance of a class the first time the group is found and the 2nd instance the 2nd time…
I am sure this is possible but I'm not sure how to achieve it through CSS. I want to target the 3rd instance of a class the first time the group is found and the 2nd instance the 2nd time…
Greeting all, I'm a newbie here and I just started my carrier as junior web developer. Can some help me with below situation, I have a WordPress theme, there's some contents doesn't want to be appear so I'm trying to…
I'm new to CSS (VERY new, third day), and have searched high and low for someone who had this same query, but I haven't found anything. So far I've tried making a class or an id for an image, and…
I tried to get the container style query working, but found some oddities. Consider the following code: html <div class="parent"> <div class="child"> ... </div> </div> CSS .parent { --test-var: red; background-color: grey; } @container style(background-color: grey) /* @container style(--test-var: red)…
TL; DR: Trying to make a dummy button with hover effect in a clickable container. A preface: I'm looking for HTML/CSS solutions ONLY (I already know how to do this with JS). I am working on a simple card design…
I am trying to get a CSS selector to match the elements with the .disabled class name, but only after the element with .today class name. It should match Day 11, Day 12 & Day 13 elements in below example.…
given I have radio button styled with tailwind class <input type="radio" class="bg-red-500" checked="checked"/> I can find the element with JavaScript query selector: document.querySelector(".bg-red-500") no big deal👍 it works But how would I find an emement styled with Tailwind's pseudo element…
I have a simple html hierarchy: <div> <div> <div class="custom-class">whatever</div> </div> <div> <div class="custom-class">whatever</div> </div> <div> <div class="custom-class">thing i want to select</div> </div> </div> I am currently adding attributes to .custom-class but would like to add a specific attribute to…
I want the <div id="Feedback"> to appear when I hover over <p>Would you like to give feedback?</p>. In other words, I want the <textarea> and <p>How can we imporve the page?</p> to have their display set to 'block' when I…
Consider this example, a,b,c,d are just random tags. The d-tag marked with with class="select" are the ones I want to select. Of course, I dont have a class on them. The rule should be: Select the highest-level occuring descendant only,…