Html – Flexbox Responsive Images not shrinking
I have a parent with flex column inside is an image and a div set to flex row with two more images inside. All the images are shrinking down as expected accept the two inside this specific div. I feel…
I have a parent with flex column inside is an image and a div set to flex row with two more images inside. All the images are shrinking down as expected accept the two inside this specific div. I feel…
I am trying to clone netflix UI but getting error while applying the background image with its position as absolute with top:0. I have attached both html and css codes. Please help me out in identifying the issue. I have…
hello my logo in the header gets divided into 2 lines how do i make it in 1 line? the logo is "good to go" but the word "go" comes in a second line why?? logo in 2 lines header…
Is there a way to adjust the brightness and contrast of the cropper image before I crop it with ngx-image-cropper and have those filters be applied when the image gets cropped? EDIT 5/1/2024 - I know I can get the…
I'm new to coding so the answer is probably obvious. I have all the items including the logo under however the logo hides behind the navigation bar no matter what I do. I'm trying to make the navigation bar and…
Can someone help turning this table into HTML CSS like the one in the photo attached to this post with inline CSS? The table will be used in an emailer, kindly use inline CSS only. This is a RAW code…
I have made an image slider. Three problems: The last slide is showing. However the counter is showing the first slide. How do I solve this? Clicking play, plays the counter. How do I make it stop on the last…
I'm working on a website that uses Bootstrap's horizontal list groups. Everything works great, but when I hover over a particular list group, the highlighting effect is not also changing the background color of the text elements, which creates odd…
I want to prevent the red headers from showing in the blue header's border when scrolling horizontally. I must have a white border in the blue headers. .container { overflow: auto; width: 200px; } table { border-collapse: collapse; } th…
I have a div block with a class "help-image" that contains an <img>, inside a section with a class "help-section". Using the :has selector as follows works fine: > div:has(img), > div:has(figure), > div:has(button) { background: mistyrose;…