Html – Center div on mobile view
I've made a project in which I centered a div with its content of image by width 50% and left margin 25%. For windows view it was perfect but when I hosted the website it's content on my mobile weren't…
I've made a project in which I centered a div with its content of image by width 50% and left margin 25%. For windows view it was perfect but when I hosted the website it's content on my mobile weren't…
I'm creating a table to display dart game scores. For some reason, even though I'm specifying row heights in pixels and table-display is set to fixed, it still resizes the row heights based on the cell contents. For example, if…
I work on core razor page . I pass selected id as array success but my issue selected text value for check box not passed or displayed Issue happen on this line selectedClassText.push($(this).next('label').text()); when debug action result string[] classidsText…
I am coding a very simple, standard landing page that has multiple sections, which look like this. It's very trendy right now. It's basically an oversized section header with lots of padding, big text, and an element that looks like…
I've written a function for my little JavaScript project that prints text to a div akin to a dialog in an old-school game. I've included the code for this function in the snippet below, although I believe it's not really…
I am writing to seek advise on how to change my website submenu style that looks like a popup window, and I was wondering if is there any css code that can change my submenu style like attached snapshot. enter…
Im trying to align my image that is defined in a div statement next to a list. body { background-color: #3799DF; color:#1B78BB; font-family: Arial; margin: 0; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } header { background-color: #3799DF; background-image: url(FullLogoBanner.png); background-position: left;…
So I have a specific timeline with several month that can go beyond its container and no scroll is available. The month are inside a div but are visually positionned on top of it with relative/absolute combo.If I decide to…
May I nest declarations inside another selector? td:hover { background-color: darkblue; color: white; border-color: purple; text-decoration: underline double; img { border: solid 2.5px purple; } } Is it valid and correct by using CSS?
Beginner in JavaScript here. I'm building a simple calculator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I've realized that if I use this instead of document.querySelector(".add") when adding a style to a button inside of an addEventListener, my code still works. Would…