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Html – CSS:Text underline is not applying if multiple lines,Only applying to last line

.sample-text-link { color: var(--text-link--color); display: inline-flex; font-size: Rem.rem(14); line-height: Rem.rem(20); background: transparent; font-weight: var(--text-link--font-weight); outline: none; position: relative; text-decoration: none; align-items: center; border: none; padding: 0; .sample-icon { height: Rem.rem(20); width: Rem.rem(20); } &:hover { cursor: pointer; border-width: var(--text-link-hover--border-width); border-style:…


How to change CSS property inside a descendant selector

How do I change or remove style "width" property for img? .main_box_img img { width: 100%; } <div class="main_box_img"> <img src="..."> </div> document.getElementsByClassName("main_box_img")[0].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style is empty. I can get width value using getComputedStyle(), but it's read-only. Seems to be a simple…

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