Remove button when logged in (wordpress)
I am trying to remove a button for all logged in users on my website. When logged out I have a register button on the start page - which I want to remove when a user log in. Not a…
I am trying to remove a button for all logged in users on my website. When logged out I have a register button on the start page - which I want to remove when a user log in. Not a…
I was recently building a website using NuxtJs and ran into a problem: I cant center components in a that are in a flex column. but when i removed the "flex-col" class everything seemed to work fine. Here's my code:…
I have a column of H2 elements that I rotate through with a CSS transform. For some reason the shortest H2 element takes the width of the longest H2 element. How do I prevent this? I need the background color…
I'm having troubles with some css distribution using flexbox or grid layout, here's the thing: I have a container with the next disposition (75% input, 25% button): That disposition should be the main disposition in desktop and large screens. However,…
I have following v-text-field which has following defaults // defaults.ts (used by Vuetify) const INPUT_DEFAULTS = { color: '#8AB8E5', baseColor: '#8AB8E5', bgColor: '#E8F1FA', rounded: 't-lg', persistentHint: true } const defaults = { VTextField: INPUT_DEFAULTS } and these are the CSS…
I have centered the element by the height of the screen using absolute positioning. However, when the height of the screen is less than the element width, it is cutting the part of the element making its top unreachable. How…
I'm not at all familiar with editing code and have had a hard time building this WordPress site ( for myself (feel free to join the site). How is it possible to create a distance (gap/spacae) between the buttons in…
I want my page to be divided in two vertically. This works locally, but not on Chrome when deployed (see screenshots), although it does work on Safari. Any help appreciated html <body> <div class="container"> <!-- Left Panel: Project Description -->…
I am working on a project where I need to position a series of cards at the centre of the screen. Centring elements in web design is essential for creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface, as it draws the…
How can li contain other children such as strong, without them breaking the layout? ol { counter-reset: Nr; padding: 0; list-style: none; display: grid; grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr; grid-column: subgrid; li { counter-increment: Nr; grid-column: 1 / -1; display: grid; grid-template-columns:…