Jquery change css class from variable
For my site, I code a button allowing to change the css of a class present in a div card. My button is located in the card-footer. Having several cards, I can't / don't think to retrieve the element with…
For my site, I code a button allowing to change the css of a class present in a div card. My button is located in the card-footer. Having several cards, I can't / don't think to retrieve the element with…
I have an online menu where I'd like to select either noodles or rice, but not both. When I select a button some CSS happens. I tried using jquery to do this and it still allows me to select both…
I am trying to use setInterval or setTimeout but the primary element getting removed. Code without Javascript delay : Working fine const selectAllWithAttributeAdStatus = document.querySelectorAll("[data-ad-status]"); selectAllWithAttributeAdStatus.forEach(ad => { if ((ad.getAttribute("data-ad-status")) === "unfilled") { document.write("<h1>Unfilled</h1>"); } else { document.write("<h1>Filled</h1>"); }; })…
I'm trying to make a star rating system for my Django project using JS and jQuery. I want to change the color of stars when the mouse is on each star. I don't want the star color to persist on…
I have a bunch of pill-like items that have flexed elements inside. I'd like to wrap the entire "pill" in a box-shadow, but I'm fighting the blocky div that defines the flex. I've tried playing with inline-flex inside individual divs,…
I am pointing to the middle table cell and I can able to get text of the next cell using the next() method but when I tried to use parent() I am getting full row text which is three cells.…
Click to open the image Click to visit website I want the avatar image to align with the right side of the screen but it's not aligning. I have tried text-align but that's also not workinh @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto+Slab:wght@100&family=Ubuntu:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400&display=swap'); * {…
I have this spinning code: var spinCount = 0; function myfunction() { if (spinCount > 3) { alert("No more Spins"); return false; } var x = 1024; //min value var y = 9999; // max value var deg = Math.floor(Math.random()…
How to make it so that the first td with the active class is red, and the second one is yellow table tr td.active { background: red; } <div class="wrapper"> <table> <tr> <td class="cell">1</td> <td class="cell">2</td> <td class="cell">3</td> </tr> <tr>…
I want to do a line like this one, but I don't know how (btw the text on the image is in spanish, but it does not matter).