I am relatively new to HTML and CSS, and I know this question has been asked many times. But I haven't found a solution that works. My project partner sent me this HTML footer code which I have to put…
I have countdown in my .container2 div but when I tried to reload that specific container its reload perfectly but my countdown didn't showed up and also button got disabled.. <div id="container2"> <h4 id="title">Type Data here</h4> <div class="controls"> <div class="main-controls">…
Have found great help with R on SO–now for something completely different.
I am working in WordPress 5.8.3.
I am building a website using the Blank Canvas theme, a child-theme of Seedlet–Not sure whether that is all relevant. I am a novice with WP and all things web development. I have installed the Events Calendar plugin and have it all configured with some test events and dates so no issues there. I am customizing the theme colours using the Additional CSS prompt from the WordPress dashboard interface.
I haven’t gotten permission to publish the site, so unfortunately I can’t offer a live demo. I will try to be explicit.
I have found helpful resources with instructions on how to use this utility for menus, for general custom CSS, and some useful information for changing properties of footers with CSS. Now I am trying to modify hyperlink colours within the Events calendar widget. I have approached this problem the same way as all the others but this one has stumped me. I elaborate:
From this image, you can see the Events Calendar hyperlink text is yellow. I opened the inspector and determined that this object is called .tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link. I thought the following code should change the colour
This led me to believe that there is no colour option for this element—HOWEVER, the inspector shows that this element has the ‘color’ property:
And I’m stumped. I’m not even sure when or how this color-link-accent got defined. This check-mark toggle is not a permanent solution and besides, I would very much like to understand what is going on here.
Paragraph text is not 400 weight as expected, it renders at 600 weight the same as h1. If I switch my @font-face declarations then both the h1 and p render at 400 weight. So the last @font-face declaration is the…
I have this very unusual block of blank space on the very bottom of my website (after the footer tag), if I inspect elements it, it seems the space is not a result of any particular div I have created.…
I would like to create three versions of backgrounds that can be set via the section-settings in the Shopify Dawn Theme. current looks [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/SJWZQ.png The default theme.liquid defines some global variables: --color-base-background-1: {{ settings.colors_background_1.red }}, {{ settings.colors_background_1.green }}, {{…
I have created a website for desktop and mobile, and it has to be responsive. My problem is that when I resize the browser all the content gets zoomed out instead of adapting. I also have an issue with the…
A Plugin i use in Wordpress has a css stylesheet which I only need in the frontend but not in the wordpress backend. (There it causes a small bug) How can I prevent the stylesheet from loading in the backend?…
I would change the color of the menu items in wordpress. In this site https://www.modacapellishop.it/ I have four voices in the menu (Brand, Prodotti, Modacapelli Choice, Outlet) and I need to change the color of Modacapelli Choice (grey to blue).…
I'm attempting to add additional CSS to WordPress to move an iframe up using Bottom: and changing it from 28px to 71px and I can't for the life of me get it to work. The CSS I've tried adding is:…