Footer Message Drupal – CPanel
How do I adjust the footer message in Drupal? Do I need to login to Drupal dashboard or what? I have searched almost every file in cPanel, but I could not find any of the website's actual HTML. I can…
How do I adjust the footer message in Drupal? Do I need to login to Drupal dashboard or what? I have searched almost every file in cPanel, but I could not find any of the website's actual HTML. I can…
I am trying to achieve a floating placeholder functionality. Everything works fine with the code I have written except for the fact that when there is an email field and I try to add a wrong entry which is not…
I am trying to integrate open iconic with bootstrap. Icons were not visible when I am using in my web app. Then I created a simple html with just bootstrap and openiconic links. Still it doesn't work, the same setup…
I am trying to hide a filter section if there are no tags to show for the current collection. Here is my current code: {% assign tags = 'Blue, Grey, Black, Oak, Bronze, Pewter, Gunmetal, Utile, Mahogany' | split: ','…
I am trying to create vertical align middle between two div using table cell method. I want to make single-slider div vertical align middle. But I am failed. Can anybody please help me? I have some confused about that.Here is…
I have a currency converter, This is how it looks like: So, I have that arrow inserted after a class with :after , however, on some themes(We are doing a project for shopify) i have to give the arrow…
Question: I would like to make my current code responsive so that it works for everyone such as mobile, tablets etc.. That is basically all I want to accomplish. The reason I want to make it responsive is so that…
Can you help me center the dropdown menu from the parent menu please, I was using Elementor in wordpress. I tried this css code but it does nothing: .header-menu { left: 50%; right: auto; text-align: center; transform: translate(-50%, 0); }…
I am trying to set the background of my web app to a random color every time it loads and every time a "New Quote" button is pressed. The function I use to generate the random background color is random_bg_color().…
I am trying to make a site, using a background image: (CSS) body { text-align: center; background-image: url("../img/clouds.jpg"); background-size: 100% 760%; } and I also have on the top of the page this: (HTML) <div class="pageTitle"> <p>Title of Page basically</p>…