import csv with backslash – Mysql
I am trying to import a csv file inside mysql using a php page. I have a problem with it being ignored. How can I do to solve it? I leave the code of the import.php file, thanks in advance.…
I am trying to import a csv file inside mysql using a php page. I have a problem with it being ignored. How can I do to solve it? I leave the code of the import.php file, thanks in advance.…
I had read Yelp dataset's documentation well, proceeded to download the yelp_dataset.tar and extracted all json files (without any character encoding error). Unfortunately, converting those files from json to csv would output this: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'simplejson' You can…
I have this json file which contains a list of objects [ { "infos": [ { "localisation": "Kassel" }, { "date": "01.08.2023" }, { "places": "1 freier Platz" } ], "applying email": "[email protected]", "additional infos": { "name": "jhon", "position": "RH",…
I am trying to export csv data in an HTTP response and to achieve this I am using Azure function. Now the certain CSV cell values has comma(,) in information and when the CSV is exported the data is completely…
Below code is from Using word2vec to classify words in categories and I need some help on input and return saveing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. # Category -> words data = { 'Names': ['john','jay','dan','nathan','bob'], 'Colors': ['yellow', 'red','green', 'oragne',…
I'm quite new to Apache Beam and I'm trying to create a new column at index 0 that uses groupbykey on multiple columns and construct a new unique id. How am I able to achieve this? Also I want to…
Not quite getting it. I can produce multiple lines but cannot get multiple entries to combine. Looking to take Source JSON and output to CSV as shown: Source JSON: [{"State": "NewYork","Drivers": [ {"Car": "Jetta","Users": [{"Name": "Steve","Details": {"Location": "Home","Time": "9a-7p"}}]}, {"Car":…
I need to convert a csv file into a json file. I have tried some python examples that are available on-line but none seem to fit my needs. My csv file contains a header then multiple rows for each date.…
The business logic is as below: The user upload a csv file; The application convert the csv file to a database table; In the future, the user could run sql on the table to generate a BI report; Currently, the…
I have a program that takes in a csv file which stores data in this format ` Lastname,Name,YYYYMMDD` (last bit is year month day for birthday) that only accepts **only gregorian calendar years** and I want my program to display…