Fast-CSV modify before loading CSV to MySQL
I am trying to load a CSV file to my MYSQL database, however before I do so I need to modify it slightly. The CSV file is Pipe delimitated (|) I have a column in the CSV file called Party:Identification.…
I am trying to load a CSV file to my MYSQL database, however before I do so I need to modify it slightly. The CSV file is Pipe delimitated (|) I have a column in the CSV file called Party:Identification.…
i have a JSON file as follow: { "temperature": [ { "ts": 1672753924545, "value": "100" } ], "temperature c1": [ { "ts": 1672753924545, "value": "30.99036523512186" } ], "conductivite_c1": [ { "ts": 1672753924545, "value": "18.195760116755046" } ], "pression_c1": [ { "ts":…
I have one stream output stored in csv file, I need help converting csv to json: my csv looks like: cat output.csv "k","a1",1,"b1","c1","d1",1 "l","a2",2,"b2","c2","d2",2 "m","a3",3,"b3","c3","d3",3 "n","a4",4,"b4","c4","d4",4 "o","a5",5,"b5","c5","d5",5 Required output: note: I need key configuration to be added to json. {…
Hello I show you my problem's : I right that for convert my csv in Json. But the résult is not exactly what I Want . import csv filename ="forcebrute.csv" # opening the file using "with" # statement with…
I need to update the row with the CSV filename and the time data was inserted into the database. I can use the below code to insert data from CSV into the database: with open('my.csv', 'r') as f: next(f) cur.copy_from(f,…
I'm coding a plugin that runs everyday at 5am. It combines multiple csv files (That have a txt extension). Currently, it is working... HOWEVER, the output format is incorrect. The input will look like this: "","","","","[email protected]","PARK PLACE 109 AVE","SOME RANDOM…
I have a CSV that looks like this: created,id,value 2022-12-16 11:55,58,10 2022-12-16 11:55,59,2 2022-12-16 11:50,58,11 2022-12-16 11:50,59,3 2022-12-16 11:50,60,7 I want to parse it so I have the following result, setting ids as columns and grouping by date: created,58,59,60 2022-12-16…
I am trying to get a timeloop with which I can download the data every 5 seconds for 1 minute and save them in a csv file. The data consists in an argument and its value and looks like this:…
my link (URL) is different!!! and does not work with usual method I think because site load with js or aspx you can test my link (URL) in your browser and see download starting but cant work in php I…
HeuteDb heute = new HeuteDb(); string filePath = @"C:UsersEliasDesktopASPlearningDATAData.csv"; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath)) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { List<string> items = line.Split(';').ToList(); heute.Uhrzeit = items[0]; heute.Energie = items[1]; _context.HeutesDb.Add(heute); _context.SaveChanges(); } } I…