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Can't connect to MySQL database when testing in Cypress (mysql2)

I get an error when running the integration tests: 0 passing (17s) 1 failure 1) Registration page register new users allowed and update status in the database: TypeError: Net.connect is not a function at new Connection (webpack:///./node_modules/mysql2/lib/connection.js:50:0) at ./node_modules/mysql2/index.js.exports.createConnection (webpack:///./node_modules/mysql2/index.js:10:0)…


How to get one that is not hidden tag? – Jquery

I have three similar div tags as shown below: <div data-test="someId" style="position: fixed; visibility: hidden;">more tags</div> <div data-test="someId" style="position: fixed; visibility: hidden;">more tags</div> <div data-test="someId" style="position: fixed;">more tags</div> Note: here data-test id is same for all three. All I want…

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