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Flutter – How do I display a scrollable list where it's grouped by two fields?

I have this data: [{ID: 0, Line: 100, Part: 00-87000088, Lots: 00865756,00866790,00868501,00871385,00871905,00872712,00875997,00878042}, {ID: 1, Line: 990000, Part: 00-87000001, Lots: 00746727,00748270,00750627,00750632,00753983,00754156,00757423,00758997,00762736,00792476}] I need to display this in a scrollable widget like this: Line Part Lots 100 00-87000088 00865756 00866790 00868501 00871385…


Flutter – Why does aliasing a package cause Android Studio to not be able to find the same function that it could find when the package was unaliased?

I took this function from This works: import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart'; Future<int> localDBQueryRowCount({required sqf.Database db, required String table}) async { final results = await db.rawQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table'); return Sqflite.firstIntValue(results) ?? 0; } This doesn't work: import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart' as sqf; Future<int>…

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