Flutter: how to create a dotted border with custom radius?
How can i create a dotted border in flutter with radius on only top side of the border using the package dotted_border
How can i create a dotted border in flutter with radius on only top side of the border using the package dotted_border
I want to implement Timer in flutter that is capable of running in background despite when the phone is locked. I have tried Timer.periodic and isolates but both of them do not run in background or when the phone is…
Please explain me how to achieve such fixed design as you can see on the screenshot below: I mean that I need to display applications on the iPad in landscape or portrait mode as if it were running on a…
Flutter is highlighting my Login() below with a yellow line telling me that the const keyword should be used to improve performance. But my Login widget is a stateful widget, whose state can change. What is is about my Login…
I am brand new to Flutter and I am working on my first ever project which I aptly named "my_first_flutter_app". I'm followng along with the tuturial on the flutter codelab and after replacing the contents of pubspec.yaml and analysis_options.yaml I…
When opening a new page, the player continues to play this happens when I open another page at the moment the player is initializing Tried to dispose when the focus on the widget disappeared when the button was pressed when…
i am using fluttermap with MapBox tiles. This is my map: FlutterMap( options: MapOptions( center: userLocation ?? bikePosition ?? LatLng(46.94809, 7.44744), zoom: 8.0, minZoom: 4.0, maxZoom: 18.0, interactiveFlags: InteractiveFlag.all & ~InteractiveFlag.rotate, ), nonRotatedChildren: [ isSatellite ? TileLayer( urlTemplate: "https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/twinnerag/cllnbkuiw000c01pe82l86m0s/tiles/256/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoidHdpbm5lcmFnIiwiYSI6ImNsbG1ib3FmdDFoZWEzY3Q2ODRoamloN2UifQ.FVQHAk7oy1RCyvlDqeZW5A", )…
I tried to add the text as below to make it work but it just shows =(sum of round 1) +(sum of round 2) but doesnt add them up: CODE Text( "Result n Round 1: $roundOneResult and Round 2: $roundTwoResult…
I have a Flutter app that runs a stored procedure in SQL Server using the sql_conn package. This SP will return the login state of the user. If they are suddenly restricted from being logged in, I want the Flutter…
I am creating a Store Ranking Algorithm, in which I have to fetch products from the user list and compare them with stores. Earlier my solution was taking n+1 query problem. So to optimize that I am trying to download…