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How to change color of Container on basis of array data in flutter?

IOWebSocketChannel? ioChannel; List<CustomRunners>? oldData = []; List<CustomRunners>? newData = []; void getSocket(){ ioChannel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect( Uri.parse( 'wss://${widget.port}/?logged=true&source=0'), headers: { 'Origin': '', }, ); ioChannel?.stream.listen((message) { final data = jsonDecode(message); if (data[0] != null) { final match = SocketModel.fromJson(data[0]); newData!.clear(); for…


I want to compress an image size to send it api params as an form data by dio in flutter by FlutterNativeImage package

But I'm facing this problem again and again "Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method compressWithFileAndGetFile on channel flutter_image_compress)" Trying to compress the image by this: File? compressedFile = await FlutterNativeImage.compressImage( scannedImage!.path, quality: 20, percentage: 60); and receiving an error…

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