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Displaying the data from the firebase in list that if I pressed on one of its item it takes me to a full data page – Flutter

I'm using flutter web in my graduation project and saving my data in the firebase so I'm displaying my data by the following code StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot> ( stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Guests').snapshots(), builder: (context, snapshots) { return (snapshots.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) ? Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator(),)…


How to merge map with same key – Flutter

How to merge a map with same key? Codes void main() { final test1 = <int>[1]; final test2 = <int>[1]; final test3 = List.of(test1)..addAll(test2); print('Rifa 1: ${test1.length}'); print('Rifa 2: ${test2.length}'); print('Rifa 3: ${test3.length}'); print('-----------------------'); final test4 = {'rifa':'aaa'}; final test5…

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