Javascript – How to display param value in DB and not?
I have a typescript and DB question. I generate a uuid as a ticket like so and I can see when I console log it, it displays the uuid as expected. I then want to take that param value and…
I have a typescript and DB question. I generate a uuid as a ticket like so and I can see when I console log it, it displays the uuid as expected. I then want to take that param value and…
Example Tables: Table: TAB1 Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 A1 A2 AA1 G1 A1 A2 AA1 G2 Table: TAB2 Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 A1 A2 AA1 H1 A1 A2 AB1 H2 How to write a query to get Expected Result as:…
Exists some way to do some actions after a transaction fails in laravel?, I know it's possible to use a try/catch, but inside of the transaction are other delegate instructions that alredy utilizes try/catch statement. DB::transaction(function () { $this->otherService->Create($data); });…
I am new at Postgresql that's why I can't figure out some privileges here. Database called Denemedb23 is already created. I created the user NoxUser. I executed these commands: REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE Denemedb23 FROM public; GRANT CONNECT ON…
I want a request a data from operation i made in controller, when i try my code the output total is null. I try this code $total += $request->jumlah_pinjaman; $data = [ 'tanggal' => $request->tanggal, 'no_bukti' => $request->no_bukti, 'jumlah_pinjaman' =>…
I need to count the number of matching elements between 2 arrays using MongoDB filter aggregation. I tried using $eq and $setIntersection on the condition field of filter but the number of matching elements return just 1 even if all…
I have tables level_one_table, level_two_table, and level_three_table. level_one_table to level_two_table: one to multiple rows level_two_table to level_three_table: one to one row Goal: select them all and level_two_table rows able to use LIMIT and ORDER BY. Return data structure like below:…
My issue is that we use Debezium to monitor the DB events and even when the is a simple update of the data present in the plugin table, the OCS inventory source code performs a delete and an insert operation…
I have a DB with two tables: employees table: fields = {ID, name} turnShift table: fields = {ID, date, ID_employee1, ID_employee2} Here is an example of this DB. Using MYSQL, I'd like to execute a SELECT query able to show…
What I am trying to do is to calculate the sum of the 2 tableSpaces I have in my PostgreSQL DB. SELECT pg_size_pretty (pg_tablespace_size ('pg_default') ); with this query I am able to find the used space but when I…