Configuring the `.env` file in Laravel
I want to configure both MySQL and MongoDB connections in my .env file in Laravel. How can I set the following parameters for both: DB_CONNECTION= DB_HOST= DB_PORT= DB_DATABASE= DB_USERNAME= DB_PASSWORD=.
I want to configure both MySQL and MongoDB connections in my .env file in Laravel. How can I set the following parameters for both: DB_CONNECTION= DB_HOST= DB_PORT= DB_DATABASE= DB_USERNAME= DB_PASSWORD=.
I have 2 different databases where i am using MySQL with 2 different database using laravel 9. The 1st database name as stores and 2nd database name as producers . I want to use this 2 different database in my…
I'm a beginner that trying to build an health app for my school project The program runs fine when I use Android 11 (API 30). The error happened when I use Android higher than 11 (API 30+). The code where…
I am doing Angela Yu's flutter course and it is very outdated so I keep coming up against issues like this. I am trying to integrate Firebase into a chat app but for some reason I keep getting now I…
I'm currently working on a PostgreSQL query to extract specific values from a JSONB column. Here's the query I'm using: select, (jsonb_array_elements(>'attribute1')->>'value') as attribute1, (>>'attribute2') as attribute2, (>>'attribute3') as attribute3, (jsonb_array_elements(>'attribute4')->>'value') as attribute4 from a_table a where (cast(>>'attribute3' as…
I have a problem as follows; Let's say I have 3 tables like this: tableA ID_name Name Email 1 Alice xx 2 Betty xx 3 Chris xx tableB Id_task id_name Tasks_submitted 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1…
I made a windows desktop application using electron. I connected my program to mysql. However, in order to connect to the database, I had to specify the account credentials such as username, password, host, port, and database name. I read…
Below is the query: I got this query over internet while searching to sort comma separated values in a single column SELECT id, title, GROUP_CONCAT(aNumber ORDER BY aNumber) FROM ( SELECT id, title, CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(numbers, ',', tens.acnt * 10 + units.acnt…
I have a mysql database and i want to insert values similar to this one 12,3456.78. I tried using the float and double type but the result is rounded to 12 and using decimal is still not helping, i get…
Sorry for the poorly worded title. I just don't know how to phrase it succinctly. UPDATE: Reframing my question I decided to reframe my question because in responding to a comment, I realized that this question could be asked in…