How to upload Laravel Project to subdomain without database?
I am upload project file to Sub Domain. But In web site,just project files is showing. Project is not execute. How can i resolve this problem ? Subdomain is active.
I am upload project file to Sub Domain. But In web site,just project files is showing. Project is not execute. How can i resolve this problem ? Subdomain is active.
I've built a simple website with authorization and registration system. So I have user accounts and I wonder where to store profile pictures for every user. I tried to store them in MYSQL in BLOB, but I don't think it…
i want to search a date like the following: 09-11 03-22 and it will search in the available documents and bring the matched documnet. an available document example : 2022-09-11T15:31:25.083+00:00 how can i do this? i tried following query but…
This is a simple REST API for listing, creating and deleting products in/from database. I am having issues with validating/checking if certain values duplicate or if certain input field is not filled. I've attempted doing that with rowCount for the…
I have this query in Postgres that returns a hash value for every row of my table: SELECT md5(CAST((f.*)AS text)) FROM my_table f; I want to attach each hash to its corresponding row. How would I take the results for…
So suppose I have a document like: { _id: 1, items: ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd", "eee"...] } I would like to shuffle the items list once, with this order saved in the table - i.e. I don't want to call…
So I have two tables: CREATE TABLE table1 (`PRIMARY_DT` date, `CUST_ID` int) ; INSERT INTO table1 (`PRIMARY_DT`, `CUST_ID`) VALUES ('2012-03-02', 878 ), ('2012-07-02', 456 ), ('2012-09-02', 789 ) ; CREATE TABLE table2 (`dt` date, `CUST_ID` int, `value` int) ; INSERT…
I need to export posts and content from an old WordPress Site for a customer, to import on their new website. Is there a way to run the old website on my local host? Or is there a better way…
I am trying to understand the syntaxes for defining tables and I noticed that the column definitions include an option to indiciate that the column references a column from another table. If I can already define this here, do I…
Her is my DB Structure I want to get 2 things. Allocated Departments to a user Departments not allocated to the user I have achived first one through hasMany() relationship in AllocatedDepartment Model public function departments(){ return $this->hasMany(Department::class, 'id', 'department_id');…