Javascript – Convert date to UTC in JS
I have input string like 2023-02-02 15:35 CET and I have to convert this into UTC time. I'm trying to find a solution for this, but I'm not able to figure out how to convert input string into Date() object…
I have input string like 2023-02-02 15:35 CET and I have to convert this into UTC time. I'm trying to find a solution for this, but I'm not able to figure out how to convert input string into Date() object…
I have been trying to make an age calculator which is a challenge from front end mentor. I have figured out the logic to finding the years and months using the Date() method in JavaScript. But my days age is…
I have a date time string saved in DB as 20230829130000 and in actuality this string means: 2023-08-29 13:00:00 I want it to be formatted properly like this: August 22, 2023, 1:00 pm Is there any PHP function to format…
const seconds=1000, minute=60*seconds,hours= 60*minute,day= 24*hours; const days= document.querySelector(".days"); const hrs= document.querySelector(".hrs"); const min= document.querySelector(".min"); const sec= document.querySelector(".sec"); //main target //function const timerfunction =()=>{ let dd = prompt("Enter Date").padStart(2,"0"); let mm = prompt("Enter Month").padStart(2,"0"); let yyyy =prompt ("Enter Year") ; console.log(`${dd}/${mm}/${yyyy}`);…
i use several datefunction with dates around the French republic of 1792-1806. But i want to know if the (php8) date function can handle these dates. function CheckFrDate($CheckDate){ $BeginFrDate = date_create_from_format('d/m/Y', '22/09/1792'); $EndFrDate = date_create_from_format('d/m/Y', '22/09/1806'); if ( $CheckDate->getTimestamp() >…
I have 2 kinds of date strings coming back to the UI. One date format has timezone and the other doesn't. The date string that has timezone displays the date correctly but the date string with no timezone displays the…
I have a postgres database, that stores some accounting data. The accounting data have a timestamp (with timezone). I would like to aggregate/group the accounting data by date. But the date should be in the user's/requested timezone not UTC. SELECT…
I have a table with name_id, date and col1-col5 with rates. I'm looking for a solution to compare the average of the rates of the latest day with the average of the rates of the day before the latest day.…
I am trying to convert a UNIX timestamp to a human-readable date in JavaScript, but I am getting unexpected results. The UNIX timestamp I have is 665346600, which should correspond to February 1, 2022. I am using the following JavaScript…
I'm trying to order this results by date in descending order with this query SELECT DISTINCT, to_char(d.creation_date::date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') AS delivered_date FROM delivery_kits_equipment_of_visit d WHERE d.deleted IS NOT TRUE AND d.deleted = 'FALSE' ORDER BY to_char(d.creation_date::date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') DESC LIMIT 10…