MongoDB select last documents in 24 hours
I'm using the MongoDB version 4.4, I'm trying to return the last documents inserted in the last 24 hous, and i need to run this query every day, because of this, i don't set the date manualy, I need to…
I'm using the MongoDB version 4.4, I'm trying to return the last documents inserted in the last 24 hous, and i need to run this query every day, because of this, i don't set the date manualy, I need to…
I have this collection in my Mongo database: id | place | local time -------------------------- 3 | A | 12pm 4 | A | 11pm 5 | B | 4pm 6 | | 7pm The local times are stored as…
I've trying to create an endpoint in my API which return the youngest and oldest person from my database using mongodb e mongoose. My database looks like that: { "message": "Employees list", "result": [ { "_id": "62562137bd9acaa47a13e2d2", "name": "Anakin Skywalker",…
I have received date-time as String from server. I am unable to parse Date if date time is exact time of daylight saving time happen. How to handle when date-time string is "2022-03-13T02:00:00.000000" Output: 2022-03-13 05:00:00 +0000 2022-03-13 06:59:00 +0000…
I have two dates and I only want to make sure they match on these 6 fields: year, month, day, hour, minute and second. I have noticed that if I perform a simple equality == comparison if(d1 == d2) that…
I want to convert and restrict the DateTime to 12 hours format. Right now the output is: 02-01-2022 18:30 PM But I want to convert into: 02/01/2022 06:30 PM +00:00.
I have a problem with my date. I do the insert with the postman and no matter what I enter I always get back "0001-01-01T00:00:00". Would also like to limit the output to just the date. I am very grateful…
I have below function which takes totalMinutes as an argument. fun minutesToDaysHoursMinutes(totalMinutes: Double): String? { var returnString = "" try { var minutes =0.0 if (totalMinutes > 6000) { val days = totalMinutes / 1440 val remainingMins = totalMinutes -…
I have a database where data_fine is defined as TEXT and contains values such as "25-05-2021". I need to find all the records between the current date up to 8 days. I tried the following query, but nothing is displayed.…
How can I get the next particular day after a month in c#, for example if today is Monday I need to get the first Monday after 1 month from now, but in more generic way, for example if today…