Debian 10 see connected IP to port 3306
I am using Debian 10 as a MySQL server and I have opened my firewall on port 3306 TCP to allow some others to connect to databases on the MySQL server. At the moment port 3306 is open to all…
I am using Debian 10 as a MySQL server and I have opened my firewall on port 3306 TCP to allow some others to connect to databases on the MySQL server. At the moment port 3306 is open to all…
I try to update docker on Debian, with the following command: sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change But I got the following error message: Hit:1 buster InRelease Hit:2 buster-updates InRelease Hit:3 buster/updates InRelease Get:4 buster InRelease [54.0 kB]…
On my debian server, I installed node and then started node server on port 3000. The server is running, but it isn't visible from the browser Now when I try to get it running via my domain or via my…
I am trying to update a docker image that uses python:3.9 as base (which uses Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)), but it now fails with steps that before gave no problems. The new image sha is @sha256:8f642902ba368481c9aca0a100f08daf93793c6fa14d3002253ea3cd210383a7, and the commands I…
After command sudo service mongod start && sudo service mongod status ● mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: signal) since Wed 2021-08-18 11:58:29 MSK; 4s ago Docs: Process: 13899 ExecStart=/usr/bin/mongod…
Some of my GitHub Actions workflows started recently to return this error when installing Chromedriver: Get:1 buster/updates InRelease [65.4 kB] Get:2 buster InRelease [122 kB] Get:3 buster-updates InRelease [51.9 kB] Reading package lists... E: Repository ' buster/updates…
I have a staging, and a production server setup on Bitbucket Pipelines running a yaml script with the following; image: samueldebruyn/debian-git name: Staging - Upload FTP script: - apt-get update - apt-get -qq install git-ftp - git ftp push --user…
I have the following situation with a Laravel project. I uploaded the project to a Linux Server in the /var/www/html/tup folder. I can access the site with the link as shown in this image (First Image) I want to…
I have a Dockerfile and would like to grep AIRFLOW_VERSION from it: Dockerfile ARG AIRFLOW_VERSION="2.1.0" <---- This one This command works fine on my local machine (OSX): export AIRFLOW_VERSION=$(grep "ARG AIRFLOW_VERSION=" /Dockerfile | grep -Eo "d.d.d") echo $AIRFLOW_VERSION 2.1.0 But…
I am using PackageCloud package to install Rabbitmq using Ansible. When I installed using PackageCloud, some Rabbitmq servers run version 3.8.19 and some run 3.9.1. But I am trying to pin Rabbitmq version so that all Rabbitmq servers in all…