Ubuntu – make diff ignore case of umlauts
I need to make diff ignore the case of my inputs. Both inputs contain German umlauts like ä and Ä. Option -i successfully makes diff ignore the case of my input for other characters like a and A, but not…
I need to make diff ignore the case of my inputs. Both inputs contain German umlauts like ä and Ä. Option -i successfully makes diff ignore the case of my input for other characters like a and A, but not…
When I open VS Code Diff from the command line using vscode diff file1 ../other-project/file2, then press CTRL + P, the diffed file from the other project shows up in my recently opened files. Is there a way to prevent…
As the title says, is there an extension that allows to run difftool over remotessh but within VSCode? I tried a few plugins but they need --no-index or setting git worktree which is not possible to configure AFAIK within VSCode.…
I just realized that Git is ignoring whitespaces during merge by default. However, I would like that Git would consider whitespace during merge. Is there someone that knows how can I configure it? I tried to install older versions, but…
I have two arrays which are sorted alphabetically. Each array contains unique values, but some values will be shared between the two arrays. Sample arrays: $src = ["apple", "cherry", "grape", "lemon", "orange", "strawberry"]; $dst = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange", "pear"];…
I would like to use the difftastic diff tool, which ignores whitespace changes in code (amongst other useful functionalities), and I have set my .gitconfig to use difft (the binary file of difftastic) as my preferred external diff tool using…
In photoshop and affinity photo there is a nice overlay filter that basically subtracts the overlaying layer from the one bellow to make a "difference map" Example: Base image: Screenshot Mario Kart 1 Overlaying image: Screenshot Mario Kart 2 Resulting…
I am using an alpine 3.11 to build my image, everything goes well during the build the dockefile is here below : FROM alpine:3.11 LABEL version="1.0" ARG UID="110" ARG PYTHON_VERSION="3.8.10-r0" ARG ANSIBLE_VERSION="5.0.1" ARG AWSCLI_VERSION="1.22.56" # Create jenkins user with sudo…
Since Xcode 13, code comparison default is no longer a side-by-side diff. There must be a way of doing this still. I am struggling to find the option!
I'm trying to figure out a way to more rapidly determine where new construction is happening by comparing annual satellite imagery. In Google Earth, you can roll back the clock on satellite imagery, for whatever reason, and determine what has…