Ubuntu – configure dns in docker
I've been fighting with my docker for 2 days to have a stable instance of my laravel, but how do I run it inside my AWS ec2 instance, and I already have some apache services running on that machine, and…
I've been fighting with my docker for 2 days to have a stable instance of my laravel, but how do I run it inside my AWS ec2 instance, and I already have some apache services running on that machine, and…
I am trying to make a docker container run off of my docker-compose file: version: '3' services: memory_Backend: build: context: ./ dockerfile: ./project/docker/DockerfileBackend image: memoryapi_ad_img volumes: - ./:/var/lib ports: - 15555:25555 memory_Frontend: build: context: ./ dockerfile: ./project/docker/DockerfileFrontend image: memorywebsite_ad_img volumes:…
I am actually learning how to develop a website with Angular and to learn even more we are also learning Docker my putting our project in a container. Our goal is to have Angular exclusively installed on the container, and…
I am creating a apache airflow app which requires the use of python packages pyportfolioopt or cvxpy. In the dockerfile i am currently using apache/airflow:2.8.4 as the base image. When i run docker-compose up --build using the files below, i…
After trying almost all different solutions on the web I still have issues with hot reloading of a FAST api app inside a Docker container. I can see that the volume mapping is doing it's thing and the files are…
Following the steps provided in this guide while installing Apache Superset on Windows, I've had errors while setting up a docker container using Docker Compose (after cloning the project in apache/superset). docker compose pull and docker compose up -d gives…
Let's say I have a Python container using Docker, called libraries_container in which some libraries are installed, for example Numpy. On the other hand, I have another container, also Python called app_container that has an application in Flask, but in…
So I currently have a service for an eccomerce project which uses redis and jedis to connect. It is working when ran using source code but when it is dockerized it pops up the following error: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Failed to connect…
I need to add a health-check for the kafka service in docker-compose. kafka: image: bitnami/kafka:3.6.1 restart: always container_name: kafka ports: - '9092:9092' volumes: - 'kafka_data:/bitnami/kafka' environment: ALLOW_PLAINTEXT_LISTENER: yes KAFKA_ENABLE_KRAFT: yes KAFKA_CFG_PROCESS_ROLES: controller,broker KAFKA_CFG_CONTROLLER_LISTENER_NAMES: CONTROLLER KAFKA_CFG_NODE_ID: 0 KAFKA_CFG_CONTROLLER_QUORUM_VOTERS: 0@kafka:9093 KAFKA_CFG_DELETE_TOPIC_ENABLE: 'true'…
I am trying to mount a volume in a docker-compose file, and run a bash file in the path. But I get a Permission Denied error. Here the docker-compose: version: '3.8' services: rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq:3-management volumes: - ./cmd/run_code.sh:/etc/cmd/run_code.sh:ro - ./conf/rabbitmq.conf:/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf:ro…