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Docker Desktop Not Opening On Mac

The Docker Desktop icon flashes on the dock briefly and it doesn’t launch. It crashes silently without any error messages on the screen. The com.docker.diagnose tool is unable to diagnose from the terminal, the output of which has been attached…


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find a valid Docker environment. Please see logs and check configuration on M1 MAC

I'm trying to run Integration Tests on my local. I'm trying to pull mongo 3.6.0 image, I'm getting following errrors. The same thing is working on non-m1 mac. ERROR org.testcontainers.dockerclient.DockerClientProviderStrategy.lambda$getFirstValidStrategy$7 - UnixSocketClientProviderStrategy: failed with exception RuntimeException (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /private/var/folders/88/zxy8rm992j10d7_db5w5w2580000gq/T/jna--714400992/jna3748287117789473831.tmp: dlopen(/private/var/folders/88/zxy8rm992j10d7_db5w5w2580000gq/T/jna--714400992/jna3748287117789473831.tmp, 0x0001):…

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