Run Docker container after saving it
First of all, I am bit new dealing with Docker and whatnot. So I have a Postgres databases running in a 3 different containers + pgAdmin. To do this I have a docker-compose.yml and I perform a docker compose up…
First of all, I am bit new dealing with Docker and whatnot. So I have a Postgres databases running in a 3 different containers + pgAdmin. To do this I have a docker-compose.yml and I perform a docker compose up…
I have a little project in Go basically with a connection. Dockerfile FROM golang:1.22.3 AS build-stage WORKDIR /app COPY go.mod go.sum ./ RUN go mod download COPY . . RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o /go-start ./cmd/server/main.go FROM scratch WORKDIR…
I have set up three containers that are networked because I would like to use Hadoop and Hive with PostgreSQL. You can access Docker set up via so you can download the folders/ files to run it. The Hadoop…
I try to use the ActiveMQ Artemis console from web. I run it in docker. What pass and login I need to use by default? artemis: image: vromero/activemq-artemis:2.6.1 container_name: artemis ports: - "8161:8161" - "61616:61616" environment: ACTIVEMQ_NAME: activemq ACTIVEMQ_USERNAME: admin…
The Rancher Desktop is running and I have started LocalStack: localstack start Even, the API is running: aws s3 mb s3://my-first-bucket --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 But when access from browser: http://localhost:4566 There is a blank page. When launch LocalStack Desktop, it shows could…
I have docker-compose and Dockerfile: ... RUN echo date RUN echo date >> /timestamp.txt ... and when I delete image and try to create it again I have this message: #5 [spring-boot-app stage-0 6/9] RUN echo date #5 CACHED #6…
I am trying to run my docker image on AWS EC2 Instance. However, I am having a trouble with the image file. When I run a task in AWS ECS, it says: Could not find ffmpeg executable, tried "/srv/linux-x64/ffmpeg", "/srv/app/node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/linux-x64/ffmpeg"…
So i have this simple code to run. import streamlit as st st.title("hellobored") I create a docker image of this code with a simple earthfile with the command earthly +all VERSION 0.8 streamlit: FROM python:3.11-slim WORKDIR /src/app RUN apt-get update…
I'm having some issues deploying a selenium scraping script in render. Locally the script runs fine, when I deploy it on render and I try to access the endpoint to trigger the script this is the problem it shows: WebDriverException…
This is a weird one so bear with me. I have a bunch of WordPress sites on my local machine for development. I use Docker with two containers php:8.2-apache and mariadb which I use as my host locally too. When…