Docker build jar file with gradle takes too long
I have this Dockerfile where I want to build a spring boot project with gradle then run it but the build takes up to 100 seconds to finish but in my local machine it builds fast. I'm sure it's a…
I have this Dockerfile where I want to build a spring boot project with gradle then run it but the build takes up to 100 seconds to finish but in my local machine it builds fast. I'm sure it's a…
I deploy a docker swarm with 6 nodes. I built some images and I am trying to add them as services to the swarm. I have 5 microservices. When I run the on one host with docker-compose everything works fine.…
So I have this folder In which I run (using Powershell) Get-Content Dockerfile | docker build - But I get the following error : => ERROR [8/8] COPY / 0.0s ------ > [8/8] COPY /: ------ failed to…
I'm new to Docker and I'm trying to deploy a Discord music bot on a remote Ubuntu Linux server in a Docker container. The problem is that when the bot is launched in the container, the music does not play,…
In my DOCKERFILE I'm running some PowerShell script which creates a custom event log (on Windows Server), then writes an entry. [I should add that I'm currently doing this only for debug purposes.] The script/command which creates the event log…
I need to pass optional, runtime parameter to a command in Docker. The idea is that if PARAM env variable is set when docker is being run - it should be passed to java command as --key VALUE , and…
I am pretty new to Great Expectations (GX) and very new to Docker, and now I am trying to combine the two. I can get a Docker image to build just fine, but when I try to run a container,…
I had a docker file that was working fine. However to remote debug it , I read that I needed to install dlv on it and then I need to run dlv and pass the parameter of the app I…
I want to build a docker image. During this process, a massive package (150 MB) needed to be copied from local file system to the image. I want check the (local directory) existence of this file firstly. If there is,…
Hello I am trying to build an image which can compile and run a c++ program securely. FROM golang:latest as builder WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN go mod download RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /worker FROM alpine:latest RUN…