"RUN true" in dockerfile – CentOS
When I took over a project, I found a command "RUN true" in the Dockerfile. FROM xxx RUN xxx RUN true RUN xxx I don't know what this command does, can anyone help explain. In my opinion, this command makes…
When I took over a project, I found a command "RUN true" in the Dockerfile. FROM xxx RUN xxx RUN true RUN xxx I don't know what this command does, can anyone help explain. In my opinion, this command makes…
UPDATE It appears the problem is specifically related to the RUN command in the Dockerfile. If I remove it, the build works fine and the environment variables are clearly being picked up since the password gets applied and I can…
I want to spin up a localstack docker container and run a file, create_bucket.sh, with the command aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 mb s3://my-bucket after the container starts. I tried creating this Dockerfile FROM: localstack/localstack:latest COPY create_bucket.sh /usr/local/bin/ ENTRYPOINT [] and a…
tried running cron through dockerfile but when running the container its getting exit. Below is my dockerfile and error. Any help would be really appreciated Error: docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused:…
Here is my Dockerfile # Pull node docker image FROM python:3.7-buster RUN mkdir -p /home/deployment && chown -R root:root /home/deployment WORKDIR /home/deployment COPY weldTrace-linux ./ COPY verified.json ./ COPY flaskapp ./ My docker-compose.yml version: "1.0" services: mongo: image: mongo:4.4.14 command:…
I have the following disk space utilization: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs 32G 2.7M 32G 1% /run tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /union tmpfs 1.0G 5.7M 1019M 1% /union/rw /dev/ram0 227M 227M 0 100% /union/image unionfs 1.0G…
I have created a grafana docker image in aws fargate using aws ecs. The web app works well. However, I loose dashboards and user information anytime I restart the app. From my readings, this is because grafana image has no…
I am creating a dockerfile. WORKDIR /abc/xyz copy xyz . RUN pip install a1 a2 a3 iam not not aware of all constructs of Docker. Is there any command in do copy and pip task run parallel to save time?
When I try to run the command php artisan migrate, an error occurs: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = docker and table_name = migrations and table_type = 'BASE TABLE') Dockerfile: FROM php:8.1-fpm-alpine RUN docker-php-ext-install…
i have Angular/Node Project in Gitlab.. I Have Dockerfile FROM node:12 as builder WORKDIR /app COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ ENV CI=1 RUN npm ci COPY . . RUN npm run build-web --output-path=/dist this Dockerfile is for Master branch , i…