Redis – Save Docker container data
I am trying to save the data of python app in redis but when I stop the docker-compose file the data is removed and when I again run the docker-compose file it starts from the start. I want to save…
I am trying to save the data of python app in redis but when I stop the docker-compose file the data is removed and when I again run the docker-compose file it starts from the start. I want to save…
I am working on a nodejs twitter api and it's working perfectly fine in the local env but when I try to containerize, it fails with a 401 error from twitter.js which is "HTTP 401 Unauthorized client error status response…
I am trying to create my own image based on Centos. I don't understand why when I use CMD command in my docker file to execute a script at startup, it's impossible to start my image (Exited (0) immediatly). If…
I'm new in the community and i'm new in docker's world. i have to virtualize a leshan server through docker and I have to do this with the option "--redis" that leshan makes avaible. so I decided to take a…
I'm new to using Docker and docker-compose so apologies if I have some of the terminology wrong. I've been provided with a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml and have successfully got the images built and container up and running (by running docker-compose…
I am trying to take user input as build argument for Dockerfile and trying to pass the same to python program. Here is my use case : Dockerfile : FROM centos:7 USER root RUN yum install -y python36-devel python36-pip ARG…
I am running the docker project on docker toolbox windows 7 sp1 and the project does not give any error but still due to postgres not working the whole project in not functional. The code of Docker compose file is…
I am trying to run a typescript express.js in a docker container. After running the docker I get the following error: > ts-node-dev src/app.ts Using ts-node version 8.10.1, typescript version 3.9.2 TypeError [ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE_ON_PLATFORM]: The feature watch recursively is unavailable on…
I am getting this error when trying to run migrations in my container. I cannot seem to figure out why. Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: "alembic": executable file not found in…
I am trying to balena push a Dockerfile. After several adjustments of my code, it still comes with error and unable to be pushed. My code is shown: FROM balenalib/fincm3-debian-python:latest # RUN install_packages git RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install…