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Php – Doctrine entitymanger not inserting ID column

I have the following Model: <?php namespace AppDomainModelMeal; use AppDomainModelHasUuid; use AppDomainModelTimestampable; use AppDomainModelUserChild; use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM; use RamseyUuidUuid; #[ORMEntity] #[ORMTable(name: 'meal_opt_out')] final class MealOptOut { use HasUuid; use Timestampable; #[ORMManyToOne(targetEntity: MealItemSchedule::class)] #[ORMJoinColumn(name: 'meal_item_schedule_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', nullable: false, onDelete:…


Php versions – Error with Doctrine and Laminas: driverClass has to implement the DoctrineDBALDriver interface

I recently upgraded a Laminas project from doctrine-migrations 1.4 to 3.6 and doctrine-orm-module from 1 to 5.3. On my deployment server, when running ./vendor/bin/doctrine-module sync-metadata-storage, I receive the following error: Fatal error: Uncaught DoctrineDBALException: The given 'driverClass' DoctrineDBALDriverPDOMySqlDriver has to…

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