ASP NET MVC download ZIP file –
I'm trying to download a ZIP file in ASP NET MVC. I have done in ASP NET Webforms, and it works correcly, but I do the same in MVC and I don't get the same result, I tried the following:…
I'm trying to download a ZIP file in ASP NET MVC. I have done in ASP NET Webforms, and it works correcly, but I do the same in MVC and I don't get the same result, I tried the following:…
I am currently learning uploading / downloading / deleting files in C# I figured out how to delete every file in a folder with code like this: protected void DeleteAllFiles(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/Output"));…
I've received an array object from the server, and then I want to download images with one property on that object. then I want to update UI with array objects and images (view model). I'm downloading images on a background…
How can I download a file which has been sent by a user in chat? For example I need to download the file moonloader.log from Telegram to my local path C:text-foldermoonloader.log and read it. Code so far def checkFile(path): if…
I am building a website (using Wordpress, Neve theme and Elementor Pro) with teaching resources for teachers, under the picture of each resource I want to place a download button with the URL link to download the resource, is it…
When I do the below: >>> import gensim.downloader as api >>> model = api.load("glove-twitter-25") # load glove vectors the gensim.downloader API throws the below error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/vtim/gensim-data/information.json'. What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to fetch the WooCommerce products meta data using $product = new WC_Product( get_the_ID() ); I'm getting the product price and all the other values the products are downloadable WooCommerce products, I want to fetch the following data: Whenever…
I want to download a file in my telegram bot code many tutorials say that I must use the getFile method that I can't find that in 4.2 version of the telegram API so how I can download a file…
Could someone help me with a little PHP problem? This is my code: $mr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ms); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename="" . basename($mr['flink']) . """); readfile($mr['flink']); header("Location: ref.php?action=viewdeti&id=".$_GET['id']); Where $mysqli is my mysql connection and $id is $_GET['id'].…
The current phpmyadmin tar download SHA256 hash does not match the download site value. The published hash for ver 4.9.3 is f75c5e11b076176436653c6138d8185b0351b02a1bf8c5069ec8d0af254911df but I get this : downloads % shasum -a 256 phpMyAdmin-4.9.3-english.tar 514219cdf85819748e5f89584ccb5e0d181c27262f7da8950918133706d3d8fe. Unfortunately the tar unpacked automatically. Do…