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Jquery – Can I get all hyperlinks that contain "@" then open them in new tabs?

I'm trying to open all hyperlinks on a page with link text that includes the "@" symbol. Here's an example below [[email protected]]( [[email protected]]( [[email protected]]( So far, I can collect each of the lines that include an @ symbol with this…


Jquery – Javascript function openFullscreen() , how to get it worked for several iframes on the page

On page I have an iframe with *.pdf file in src. <div class="node--view-mode-full"> <p><iframe allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="980" scrolling="no" src="" width="660"></iframe></p> <p><iframe allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="980" scrolling="no" src="" width="660"></iframe></p> </div> The build-in pdf-viewers in browsers now does not support fullscreen…


Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function each() – PHP

I'm wondering if you guys can give me an idea about how to replace this each function: while(list($key,$val) = each($_SESSION['cart'][$i])) { if ($key=="product_name"){ $product_name=$val; }else if($key=="units"){ $units=$val; }else if($key=="packing_size"){ $packing_size=$val; }else if($key=="grade"){ $grade=$val; }else if($key=="length"){ $length=$val; }else if($key=="quantity"){ $quantity=$val; }…

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