Mongodb – Cannot update the nested Array of the boolean
I am trying to update an array to show the router is up by using a true or false statement. But I am getting a response back that "record is updated" but I am not able to see the change…
I am trying to update an array to show the router is up by using a true or false statement. But I am getting a response back that "record is updated" but I am not able to see the change…
The object result restructuring function works fine at the same time the map result not coming in one array group. console.clear(); const filterList = { ageRange: ["ageRange", "picAgeRange"], goal: ["goal", "motivation"], hairColor: ["hairColor", "picHairColor"] }; const questionList = [{ question:…
I'm confused to merge array contents from JavaScript. Please help to get the best way to get desired result. A i also have tried other ways referred on SO. [ { "Afghanistan": 2646432, "categories": "2018" }, { "Afghanistan": 6545700, "categories":…
RAILS ASSETS PIPELINE When running rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production over ES6 syntax, assets pipeline got broken. If we instead call rake assets:precompile with environment set to RAILS_ENV=development it perform fine. Summarizing SUCCESS FAIL rake assets:precompile rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_ENV=devlopment RAILS_ENV=development `bundle…
I have a confusion while using the bodyparser.Why do we actually need bodyparser when we have json.stringify(to convert object to string) and json.parse(to convert JSON to object) is it because using it in our app.use() automatically applies the middleware during…
I am trying to run react native app on Andriod but I am getting this error presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],, Could someone please help me to how to resolve this issue. const {getDefaultConfig} = require('metro-config'); module.exports = { transformer: { getTransformOptions: async…
I am following a tutorial which introduced the global JSON object to stringify objects, in the tutorial they mention that this JSON object and it's methods is provided by the browser. I've also looked at the MDN page for JSON…
I am calling one function through setInterval but function go to infinite loop and my applicaiton get stuck. It's happen it on android, Could someone please help me how to resolve this issue. Thanks useEffect(() => { const interval =…
When using eg. MySQL, one open a connection fx: const c = await mysql.createConnection({ host: 'localhost', user: 'x', password: 'x', database: 'x', Promise: bluebird, }); and then perform actions on the connection c like so const [rows, fields] = await…
I can't be able to call a function inside component "onPress" event in a same class, it's showing me an error like " undefined is not a function" how to solve this here is my code overview class UserList extends…