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How to insert (create) data (CRUD) FORM in blade in multiple languages into database and read it out with LARAVEL MULTILANGUAGE – LOCALIZE? – SEO

I have followed this tutorial ( about laravel multilanguage and localization. Everything seems ok, except I want to CREATE a CRUD for inserting this posts with title and content in multiple language - and STORE it in database - and…


Laravel 5 fetching data from database using eloquent model – SEO

I have written a member function like :: public function details($article_seo){ $articleDet = Articles::where(function($query) { $query->where('article-seo', '=', $article_seo); }) ->get(); dd($articleDet); } and have used these at the beginning of laravel controller:: namespace AppHttpControllers; use IlluminateHttpRequest; use AppHttpRequests; use Apparticles;…

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