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How to decode file name – Ubuntu

When I try to get the names of files from the uploaded archive, I get their names in this form »α«ß»Ñ¬Γ ê. ƒ¬«ó½Ñóáπ½¿µá ïÑ¡¿¡ß¬«ú« 諼߫¼«½á, ó αá⌐«¡Ñ ñ. 1, Æû îÆé µÑ¡Γα, ¡á ßóÑΓ«Σ«αÑ. The archive was created on windows…


Encoding json to bytes

I have a problem that bites its own tail. In the code below I am creating a json element with file-paths, these contain special characters. Encoding results in a unicode-escape characters and the path is not readable server receiving the…

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