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Mysql – LINQ Query for below table

Table data: Id_Org_hierarchy Hierarchy_Name Parent_Id_Org_hierarchy 1 OGt 0 2 NHT 1 3 BATCH 1 2 3 Voice 1 I need result Like Below: Batch1(NHT,OGT) Details : Id_Org_hierarchy column value is present in Parent_Id_Org_hierarchy and so on its a tree struct…


Postgresql – EF Core querying gives an error "Could not load file or assembly 'Npgsql. The system cannot find the file specified."

I am using .NET 6 and PostgreSQL database. I have a hosted service, which periodically calls repository's function and is querying database entities using EF Core as so: public class NotificationRepository : INotificationRepository { public async Task<List<Notification>> GetUnreadDeviceNotifications() { using…

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