ENV variable inaccessible (null) in Laravel project
Getting the following error when I access my Laravel app from the browser
A portion of the .env file<br
Getting the following error when I access my Laravel app from the browser
A portion of the .env file<br
When I try to deploy the app to production, I run composer update or composer update --no-dev. This updates
I’m facing a weird situation, just look at the following code in a blade file, and the output of it<br
I have been trying to get my API key from my .env file that is at the root of my
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.18",
/* @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig*/
I recently upgraded my company’s project PHP and Laravel versions:
PHP: 7.3.2 => 8.1.18
Laravel: 7.30.6 => 9.52.5
We are
I have a Django app (personal project) running live in production on Azure VM.
I have looked in /var/log/django.log and
I deployed the site as a gh-pages of the main branch using the dist folder.
The Github pages site
recently I used the GitHub to uppload my project on it. but when another my friend want to sync with
I have a sign up page, and I want to implement send a welcome mail and a verify mail manually.