Firebase resolve Promise
I'm starting in the world of promises and there is one thing I can't understand. I am trying to make a system that returns a document from a Firebase collection by its ID. For this I use 2 functions const…
I'm starting in the world of promises and there is one thing I can't understand. I am trying to make a system that returns a document from a Firebase collection by its ID. For this I use 2 functions const…
Let's say I have a global key-value pair and operations on it returns a promise(actually I am using Redis), and it stores the value of coins left. Route /path decrements the coins with the number in the request if the…
I try to create web app with react,redux and node where i can create and edit profile data , I have one function control both situation so when i create it work fine but when i edit it give me…
I can't for the life of me figure this out, it seems like it should be straight forward but it's just not clicking. I have an ES6 app that I created using create-react-app. I've got all the templates and layouts…
I am using twitter's API to receive recent tweets by querying specific hash tags. The first GET request is to search/tweets which takes the hashtag and others queries in it's parameters. The response for this returns an array of tweets…
I am using twitter's API to receive recent tweets by querying specific hash tags. The first GET request is to search/tweets which takes the hashtag and others queries in it's parameters. The response for this returns an array of tweets…