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Laravel – Livewire dispatching event modal with a dynamic content

Im trying to show the user the times when he's available by days and display them in a modal. public function searchAvailability(){ $this->validate(); $doctor = Doctor::where('id',$this->selectedDoctor)->first(); $doctorTimes = DoctorTime::where('doctor_id',$this->selectedDoctor)->get(); $parsedDate = Carbon::parse($this->selectedDate); $dayName = $parsedDate->format('l'); if ($parsedDate->isFuture()) { foreach($doctorTimes as…


Html – How to detect text change inside a span

There is a span element but change text by button click I want to detect text change by another function and show alert But it not work Here is my code: <Span class="spn">Span</Span> <button onclick="changespan()">click</button> <script> function eventp() { $('.spn').on('change',…


Html – mouseenter / mouseleave solution that doesn't trigger when mouse enters the smaller second element positioned in the first element

Here is a simple html+css+js code var myDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv'); myDiv.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { console.log('Mouse entered the div'); }); myDiv.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { console.log('Unfortunately this message happens when we enter the smaller div'); }); #myDiv { width: 300px; height: 300px; background-color: yellow;…

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